Vertigo, Dizziness & Balance

As many as 15 percent of Americans experience a problem with balance every year. And dizziness is one of the most common reasons older Americans end up in an emergency room. Dizziness is a general word that may refer to being lightheaded, off balance or faint. Vertigo, on the other hand, means that you feel like you’re moving and spinning even when you’re not.

There are many possible causes for dizziness, vertigo and balance problems, and there are just as many solutions. Your doctor figures out what’s affecting you using latest medical technology.

Maintaining Ear Health and Balance

Your ear health, combined with a generally healthy lifestyle, prevents dizziness and vertigo. Still, it’s possible to have these conditions even if you’re fully healthy. The best steps to take to prevent balance disorders are to:

Causes of Dizziness and Vertigo

Some dizziness and vertigo is caused by conditions other than ear problems. Your specialist relies on a thorough exam and testing to rule out these other common conditions. These physical problems usually have other symptoms beside dizziness, which helps your doctor identify them. The other conditions that cause vertigo include:

The Ears and Vertigo

Your professional is an expert on the different types of vertigo since the ears are almost always involved. The most common inner-ear issues that cause vertigo include:

Complications and Warning Signs

In most cases, the issues causing dizziness and vertigo aren’t dangerous by themselves. But they’re scary because they interfere with your ability to perform regular daily activities. Dizziness and vertigo affect aspects of your life in a number of ways, including:

Consult your doctor at the first sign of dizziness or vertigo. You need an accurate diagnosis before any treatment can commence. Ensure your safety and deal with other symptoms that often occur in conjunction with dizziness and vertigo. These other symptoms include:

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