Flu Vaccine & HPV Vaccine

The World Health Organization has considered flu vaccines essential since they first became available in the 1930s. A 2006 vaccine to prevent HPV keeps millions of children safe from deadly diseases, including cancer. Your primary care doctor at the Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Queens, NY urges you to get your family vaccinated on a schedule proven to help you avoid serious disease. Call today for your next vaccination.

The disease prevention power of vaccines has been a medical certainty for centuries. Smallpox was the first serious condition eradicated, due to a 1798 vaccine. Polio, measles, mumps and other plagues are virtually gone, thanks to preventative vaccines.

Vaccines usually consist of injections or nasal sprays that cause your body to develop the ability to fight off different diseases and viruses. The idea behind the science is that you become immune to a specific illness in case you come in contact with it. Flu vaccines vaccines are safe, with few if any side effects. They’re widely available throughout Queens, New York, and they’re usually effective.

The flu is that yearly pest that can leave you in bed for several days, but there are actually different types of flu, and it often mutates a bit year to year. HPV stands for the human papillomavirus and there are several hundred versions of these. Your primary care doctor at the Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center explains the value of these vaccines in your family’s well-being. Your doctor administers both of these preventive vaccines.

Why Do I Need a Flu Vaccine?

Although the flu isn’t usually that dangerous, it can be miserable for you. It also costs you productivity if you catch it. But the flu can be lethal if you’re older or have underlying medical problems such as asthma. Even if you’re vaccinated, you can still get sick, although evidence shows that the vaccine causes your flu to be milder.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone over six months of age get a flu vaccine every year. Serious side effects of flu vaccines are extremely rare, although you may feel sore at the injection spot for a few days. Flu vaccines are inexpensive and prevent unnecessary suffering, lost work and missed school time.

Who Needs Protection from HPV?

HPV actually refers to about 200 different kinds of viruses, which are spread by sexual contact. With most kinds of HPV, you never know you got it. Some kinds just cause genital warts, but there are a few kinds that seriously increase your risk of certain kinds of cancer, especially cervical cancer.

The CDC recommends that all children receive an HPV vaccination in two doses around 11 years of age. If you get the vaccination later, you may need more than two rounds. It’s not recommended if you’re older than 27, since the benefits are lessened. Your doctor offers the vaccination during regular healthy child checkups, when you’re visiting for an unrelated illness or injury or during a visit specifically to receive the vaccinations.

Drawbacks of Vaccines

There aren’t many drawbacks to the flu vaccine, and serious complications are extremely rare. But it’s recommended that you talk to your physician about the risks. Most of the time, the worst thing you experience is soreness or itchiness where you got injected. Sometimes, you may feel like you got a low-grade flu after receiving the vaccine.

A vaccine uses a dead or inactive version of the virus. Since there are many different strains of HPV, protection isn’t perfect, but will protect your child from the most common strains of the virus. For the flu, you’re typically provided with a different type of virus protection that’s developed every season. Its effectiveness depends on how well it matches the current strains, which are active that particular year.

Other Prevention Methods for the Flu

Vaccines are miraculous in many ways, but the best way to stay safe involves several lifestyle habits. For example, your doctor always recommends that you:

  • Sneeze and cough into the crook of your arm to prevent inadvertently passing a virus on to others
  • Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
  • Avoid spreading germs by touching your ears, eyes and throat
  • Stay home or keep your distance from others if you feel sick or know others are experiencing symptoms
  • Practice good nutritional health to ensure that your immune system is working at its optimum capacity in case you do encounter a virus
  • Take vitamin supplements to make up for dietary restrictions
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