Bone Disease

Your skeletal structure supports your body and enables you to move freely. When anything compromises this structure, it impairs your mobility and possibly causes chronic pain. Bone diseases can develop for years, undetected until you break a bone. Prevent undue pain and broken bones by having your bones checked annually at the Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Queens, New York. Early detection of a bone disease leads to more effective treatments. Get a bone density test today at Medex.Bone disease put your mobility at risk, potentially crippling your quality of life. Bone disease results in chronic pain and deformities, but it remains hidden and unnoticed for years. The disease may not come to light until you sustain a fracture or notice the physical effects of gradual bone weakening. Prevention is always recommended, especially if you have a family history of a bone disease.

The development of bone disease results from a deterioration of your endocrine system, which manages hormone levels and mineral absorption. When your endocrine system is compromised, minerals like calcium, iron, salt, and even vitamins don’t metabolize properly. The sooner you get diagnosed, the faster your doctor can begin preventative treatment.

If you’re one of the 44 million Americans suffering from low bone mass, you require professional diagnosis and treatment. The specialists at the Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Queens, NY successfully manage your bone disease. This multi-specialty practice uses the most up-to-date bone density testing equipment available for your benefit.

Preventing Bones from Breaking

Americans suffer two million broken bones every year due to bone diseases like osteoporosis. Women are especially vulnerable due to the loss of estrogen following menopause. Fortunately, with professional help, you can take steps to keep your bones as strong as possible. Your endocrinologist at Medex may recommend:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Minimizing your alcohol intake
  • Eating foods rich in calcium and other essential minerals
  • Spending time in the sun to absorb vitamin D
  • Doing stretching exercises to keep your bones healthy
  • Strengthening your bones with weight-bearing and resistance exercises

What Makes You Susceptible to Bone Disease?

Your bone mass involves the size and thickness of your bones. By the time you’re 20 to 25 years old, your bone mass has stabilized. After you’re 30, your bone mass decreases while your chance of bone disease increases. The bones in your hips, spine and wrist especially become more vulnerable to fractures.

If you develop bone disease, you may experience knee or back pain, but not everyone shows symptoms. Your risk of developing bone disease increases if you:

  • Smoke
  • Drink alcohol regularly
  • Take high doses of steroids
  • Have rheumatoid arthritis
  • Are suffering from diabetes
  • Have a kidney or liver disorder
  • Have broken bones in the past
  • Suffer from Celiac disease or Crohn’s disease
  • Are a cancer patient

Your bones are living tissue. Certain medications for heart diseaseGERD and heartburn can compromise your bone health. Tell your Queens physician about any prescriptions you’re taking, even medicines for high blood pressuredepression and anxiety can have an effect.

Screening for Bone Diseases

Breaking a bone from a minor incident is often the first sign of bone disease. After such an injury, your doctor takes x-rays to examine your bone structure for are any noticeable cracks. If necessary, you may need an MRI or CT scan. A blood or urine test determines your level of vitamin D, calcium and other minerals.

Once your doctor has all the information, an accurate diagnosis follows. There are several types of bone disease, and your treatment depends on which one you have. Some of the most common include:

• Osteoporosis. The most well-known bone disease, osteoporosis is referred to as the silent disease since it gradually weakens your bones. Most people aren’t aware of the condition until their bones start breaking, a result that happens years after the onset of the disease.

• Osteomalacia. Caused by vitamin D deficiency, osteomalacia is characterized by softening bones. Symptoms include bowed legs and other deformities.

• Osteopenia. While similar to osteoporosis, osteopenia isn’t quite as severe. It’s a condition characterized by a loss of bone mineral density. It affects about half of Americans over the age of 50. Your Medex doctor diagnoses it through a non-invasive exam using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).

• Paget’s disease. Usually affecting your pelvis, skull, back and legs, Paget’s disease interferes with the normal bone recycling process of breaking down and rebuilding, causing misshapen and weak bones.

• Hyperparathyroidism. This disease is a hormonal condition that occurs when your body produces too much of the hormone parathyroid. It raises calcium levels in your blood and urine while lowering its absorption by your bones.

Once your doctor has established your type of bone disease, a treatment plan for you is the next step. If you live in Queens, NY, seek the experts at the Medex Diagnostic and Treatment Center. They’re ready to give you the help you need. Contact this multi-specialty practice today to schedule bone density test.

We can help you find a doctor. Call (718) 275-8900

Licensed by the state of New York, Medex is an Article 28 diagnostic and treatment center. Our physicians provide comprehensive care for patients of all ages in the Forest Hills, Queens area, for over 15 years. Start receiving expert care now by calling or scheduling an appointment online with one of the skilled specialists.

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