Talk first to your doctor about your anxiety. Your doctor then rules out medical issues causing your symptoms, such as:
Once medical issues are ruled out, treatment begins with teaching you coping techniques to prevent anxiety attacks from disrupting your life. Your psychiatrist may recommend:
You must be open and honest with your psychiatrist about your symptoms and your lifestyle. Your honesty nails down the specific type of anxiety disorder that’s causing you to experience the negative consequences affecting your life. Symptoms vary, and they affect every aspect of your recovery. Generalized anxiety is considered to be a disorder when your extreme reactions:
Other types of anxiety disorders include:
• Panic disorder. This condition causes panic attacks that come on quickly and include feelings of terror and impending doom. You may experience shortness of breath, heat palpitations and chest pain.
• Phobias. These fears revolve around specific objects or situations. And they aren’t always reasonable fears. Phobias can bring on panic attacks when you don’t face them in therapy.
• Social anxiety disorder. This disorder involves an intense fear of social situations. It causes you to avoid socializing because you’re too self-conscious, fear being judged or becoming embarrassed.
• Separation anxiety. This is a disorder that affects children who are afraid when parents or parental figures leave them.
• Agoraphobia. This condition leads to panic and feelings of being trapped and helpless. Untreated, this can lead to total isolation in your home.